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Home General conditions - hotels worldwide
Ljubljana, 20. 1. 2011

Article 1: General provisions

  1. General conditions of tourist capacity sales through system (further on: general conditions) represent an integral part of every contract on tourist capacity sales the company BOOKINGPOINT.NET, turistične rešitve d.o.o., Leskoškova cesta 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Registration number: 2040638 (further on: manager) as a mediator of the travel organizer with an authorization to sign a contract concludes in the framework of its activity as long as the application of individual provisions of general conditions doesn't contradict the special part of the contract.
  2. The meaning of particular terms in these general terms and contract is:
    • tourist reservation system located on the web address;
    • The provider: is a subject that is offering its tourist capacities – accommodation and/or other tourist services through the system;
    • The buyer: every adult physical or legal person that performs an inquiry, reservation or purchase through the system; as a buyer are considered all persons that will be using the service according to the contract evenin case they are not contractors and are stated on the voucher;
    • Travel organizer: the company Gulliver's Travel Associates
    • Tourist capacity: accommodation and/or other tourist services;
    • Working days: days from Monday to Friday except public holidays in the Republic of Slovenia or public holidays in the country the buyer is coming from.

Article 2: Content of the contract

  1. The manager operates as a mediator between the travel organizer and the buyer with a purpose of providing the web reservation of a tourist capacity the providers are offering on the portal through the travel organizer.
  2. The manager in behalf of and for the account of the travel organizer concludes a contract on the provision of the services of the provider especially the contract on hotel services (further on: contract) with the buyer according to these general conditions and special arrangements stated in the voucher. In case on the special part of the contract general conditions of the actual provider are stated these general conditions of the provider are considered as a special part of the contract. In case of discrepancy between the data in these general conditions and the data on the special part the data on the voucher or special part of the contract are valid.
  3. The manager concludes the contract as the mediator of the travel organizer; the buyer enforces his/her rights from the contract directly with the provider. The manager will in accordance to the good business practice offer assistance in enforcing the contract rights;
  4. The manager issues on behalf of and for the account of the the travel organizer a voucher that has to include: place and date of issuing the voucher, name and address of the tourist capacity, name and surname of the passengers, target location and days of stay, place and day of the beginning and the end of the stay, data on stay with the place of accommodation, data on type and tourist category of the tourist capacity, basic and additional services, special desires that passenger reported while making the reservation and that were received, specification of taxes or fees for services in case these costs aren't included in the price and other data that are considered useful to be included in a voucher.
  5. Voucher and these general data represent an integral part of every contract. The general conditions of the provider are also an integral part of the contract in case these are stated on the voucher and in the e-mails to the buyer. In case of discrepancy between the provisions of these general conditions and general conditions of the provider the provisions of general conditions of the provider are used.
  6. The travel organizer is providing the service on the basis of information published and valid on the day the reservation was confirmed and according to the description and the date after a confirmed reservation by the buyer except in case of higher force.
  7. The offer published in the system is an integral part of every contract. The content of the offer is in exclusive responsibility of the provider.
  8. Unless stated otherwise in the program the prices stated are valid per double-bed room per accommodation. The accommodation price includes a basic service as described along the accommodation unit from the reservation. Additional services can be fulfilled with prior notification at the time of accommodation reservation and have to be paid by buyer separately.
  9. Every person must be named on the voucher and must posses valid documents regardless of the age and the level of discount.
  10. In case the person is not stated on the voucher it is regarded that the person isn't the person entitled from the contract.
  11. In case there are more persons residing in the tourist accommodation than stated in the voucher the provider has the right the send away the unregistered guests or they have to pay the stay to the provider on the location of performing the service.
  12. The buyer is obliged to arrange for the proper travel documents and any visas, if they are required by the country where he or she will be staying. The traveller is also obliged to make inquiries regarding the health care situation in the places he is travelling to and get the proper protection (vaccinations, medicine).

Article 3: Catalogues, fliers and other promotion material

  1. Particular details stated in the flier or the catalogue of the manager and the actual provider represent an integral part of the contract unless when: the changes prior to signing the contract were not transmitted to the buyer in writing; the contract parties agreed on the changes later or the changes are clearly stated on the voucher.

Article 4: Reservations and payments

  1. The buyer on the basis of information in the system performs his/her booking on available tourist capacity for a particular date.
  2. After making a reservation, the buyer must inform the manager within 48 hours of having received notice of his reservation whether the reservation is confirmed and submit proof of payment for the total reservation fee, insomuch that the parties have not made a different arrangement. The payment shall be made by credit card or debit card, or by payment order. The manager is authorised by the travel organizer to receive and complete the buyer's reservation. The manager is authorized by the Travel organizer to receive and fill the buyer's reservation.
  3. The terms of payment can alter based on a special agreement between the manager and the buyer.
  4. The total price may include also a tourist tax calculated according to the valid regulations at the time. The buyer is obliged to pay the tourist tax at the service provider by no later than the departure date, if it is not already included in the total price.
  5. The contract is concluded when the buyer presents the manager with the payment conformation. With the payment the buyer confirms that he/she received all the information stated in these general conditions and in the terms published at Upon payment, the reservation confirmation is final.
  6. After confirming the reservation and receiving the payment confirmation the manager issues within 3 working days to the buyer a voucher in electronic form and an electronic payment confirmation, with which the buyer explicitly agrees
  7. The buyer is obliged to transform the voucher issued in an electronic form onto paper and present it to the actual service provider at the beginning of using the tourist capacities.
  8. The buyer can perform the reservation for at most six months in advance. A special agreement can be reached.
  9. The manager accepts and processes payments during their working hours, which are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CET.

Article 5: Communication among the contract parties

  1. The buyer performs his/her inquiry through a web reservation within the system.
  2. The communication between the manager and the buyer is conducted through electronic mail. The buyer is obliged to confirm receiving the notification with a return electronic message. The message transmitted by the manager is considered as received by the buyer when the manager receives a confirmation from the buyer's electronic address.
  3. The communication can also be conducted through other media (fax, telephone) in case the buyer and the manager explicitly agree on that.
  4. The buyer must always confirm the reservation in writing or by paying the agreed amount in case there is no other agreement between the parties.
  5. In case the buyer doesn't receive any of the messages in a period determined by these conditions he/she can contact the Call-center of the manager and examine whether a mistake in communication occurred. The same possibility holds also for the manager in case the buyer gave other contact data and/or hasn't responded in a period provided by these general conditions.

Article 6: Categorisazation and service description

  1. Tourist capacities are categorized according to the local regulations.
  2. The data on the service provider's accommodation is provided by the travel organizer, so the manager is not responsible for any errors that might occur in the presentation of the tourist capacities.
  3. The designation of rooms and additional services shall be determined by the provider. The manager is not responsible for the provider's interpretation of the quality of services (e.g.: "premium room"), because this is often a reflection of local standards.

Article 7: Duration and cancellation of the contract

  1. The contract can be signed for a determined or an undetermined period of time.
  2. The contract can be signed for an undetermined period of time in case signed on a day-by-day principle. Such a contract is automatically prolonged until the next day in case the buyer or the provider do not cancel it until 12 o'clock.
  3. After the end of the contract the buyer must leave the tourist capacity until the hour determined by the house order of the capacity or until 10 o'clock at noon in case there is no such provision in the house order.
  4. Unless otherwise agreed the buyer pays for the tourist capacity in which he/she stays after the determined hour or after 12 o'clock at noon for another day.
  5. In case the buyer in the agreed time does not use the tourist capacity the provider has the right to demand compensation from the buyer.
  6. The buyer is not obliged to pay the provider any compensation in case he/she cancels the tourist capacity reservation of 15 working days before the beginning of the stay, unless the cancellation date is otherwise specified in the reservation process.
  7. The provider is not allowed to cancel the received reservation of the tourist capacity and must have for the buyer with a confirmed reservation a free tourist capacity until 1800 hours; in case there are no special notifications it is considered after this hour that the buyer will not be using this tourist capacity and therefore the provider can rent it on. In case the provider rents the tourist capacity to another buyer he has no right for compensation for unused reserved tourist capacity. In case the buyer arrives later without notifying the provider on his/her late arrival the provider is obliged to provide a tourist capacity within limits of available capacities.
  8. If a contract (reservation) is cancelled after the determined deadline (specified in the reservation process at, or if the buyer does not check in to the hotel in time or at all, the reservation shall be handled as a "no-show" (except in the event of a notification of late arrival), the manager shall refund the amount, reduced by the cancellation fees that are specified during the reservation process via the online reservation system.
  9. In the event that any problem should occur during the trip itself, the traveller should turn to the contact data specified on the voucher and not directly to the manager. There is also a number listed on the voucher for cases of emergency. The buyer shall undertake to try to settle any complaints with the service provider, within the period of one day from the occurrence of the reasons for complaint.
  10. The manager shall not be liable to pay compensation for any undesirable events caused by force majeure or events that could not have been foreseen.

Article 9: Personal data security

  1. The buyer allows that the manager and the provider process all the personal data transmitted for the need of signing the contract in their databases and use them for the following purposes: statistical analysis, segmentation of buyers, processing the previous customer behavior, filling contract obligations, notifying the buyers on possible product errors, sending new offers, promotion material, magazines and invitations to events as well as for telephonic, written and electronic polls.
  2. Personal data of the buyer can be processed by the manager and the provider for a period of 5 years or until a cancellation of written consent of the buyer.
  3. The buyer agrees that the manager and the provider will continue to use the personal data of the buyer also in case of canceling the written consent of the buyer but only to fulfill contract obligations and implementation of rights from the contract.

Article 10: Court jurisdiction and use of law

  1. The contract parties will be solving possible disagreements in agreement.
  2. In case of disagreement the jurisdiction lies with the court in Ljubljana.
  3. The parties agree that Slovenian material law will be used for the contract relation.
  4. In case the service is offered to the buyer outside the territory of the Republic of Slovenia legislation of the country in which the service is offered is used for the implementation of the contract.
  5. Parties agree that for the contract relation between the provider and the buyer special provisions are used in catering in case it doesn't contradict the obligatory provisions or agreement between the parties.

Article 11: Final provision

  1. The other provisions as well as possible regulation changes that regulate these conditions and are not foreseen with these conditions are used directly.
  2. In case the system in any moment from any reason (elementary disasters, electricity blackout, maintenance works on the system) does not operate the manager is not obliged to pay the buyer any compensation or damages.
  3. Changes of these general conditions are made by the manager and are valid from the day of publication on the webpage.


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