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Home Declaration on protection of personal data
The declaration on the protection of personal data is primarily intended for the protection of personal data of our users. pages can be viewed without any obligations. To view the pages you are not obliged to reveal your identity or any of your personal data.

In case you wish to choose any of our services, we kindly ask you to enter your personal data, as this is the only way for us to be able to book the service and conclude a contract with you. With this we would like to inform you that the data will be safeguarded according to the Statute on protecting the personal data adopted on the basis of Law on protection of personal data.

We ensure you that for the signing of the contract only those data will be asked of you that are necessary for the procedure of concluding the contract and offering the services according to the contract.

In continuation we are explaining the purpose of gathering the personal data, the manner of processing your personal data and the protection level of the mentioned data.

Gathering of your personal data is gathering your personal data and the data on your identity only in case you will decide to inquire after one of the services we offer or to sign a contract with us.

In case you yourself will enter your data into the ‘Guest Book’ you will thus agree to a public availability of these data so also third persons will be able to obtain the data you entered into the book. In this case does not bear any responsibility for eventual abuse of your personal data.

The moment you will reach the server will recognize the ID of your computer, the type of browser, domain name, time of access, access address, website from which you arrived and the information on pages that you while browsing through our pages visited. The stated data will be used for the statistics on webpage visits, but also to improve and update our pages.

Our server will not save your electronic address and other information according to which you could have been identified.

By visiting our webpage you will be able to participate in surveys, whose answers we use for the development and design of our web pages according to your wishes. Participation in surveys is voluntary. You don’t have to answer to questions, but if you do, all the provided data will be carefully protected. Third persons will be able to access the data only within a survey analysis or through joint results.

On our web pages we are also organizing different award winning games. The game rules will be during the course of the game available on our pages. If you are going to enter the personal data into the spaces intended for these data you therefore agree with the rules of the award winning game. You therefore have to know that by participating in this game you also agree with publishing your personal data in case you win.

The use of gathered data

Your personal data will be used:
  • To commence the procedure of booking the service and to sign the contract as well as for the preparation and issuing of all the other needed documents;
  • For transmitting all the needed material and data;
  • For transmitting the proper data to actual service providers, with which a direct contact will be established between you and the actual provider;
  • For timely notification on changes in our offer, special offers and special sales, with which we will enable you to be informed on time about the new developments on our pages; will not use any of the acquired data for any other purpose than for the one specifically chosen and is stated in this declaration or other documents you will receive. will not sell, trade or in any manner transmit your data to third persons, unless necessary for the performance of the services (transmission of data to actual provider) or required by an official organ or obligatory regulation.

In case you do not desire to receive information on changes on our web pages, notifications on our offers or other presentational data, we kindly ask you to notify us on that and in the shortest possible timeframe your name will be removed from the problematic list. can reveal the personal data only on the basis of an obligatory regulation or decision of a court or any other organ.

Gathered data protection will protect all the gathered data according to the Statute on protection of personal data accepted on the base of Article 24 and 25 of the Law on protection of personal data (ZVOP-1, officially examined text, Official Gazette - Uradni list RS, No. 94/07).

CUSTOMER EVIDENCE is managed under the following conditions:
  1. Name of the personal data collection:
    Customer evidence
  2. Data on personal data manager:
    BOOKINGPOINT.NET d.o.o., Leskoškova cesta 10, 1000 Ljubljana (further on: the company)
    Identification number: 2040638000
  3. Legal basis for processing the personal data:
    Contract and personal agreement of the individual.
  4. Categories of individuals to which the personal data stored in the collection are related:
    Customers, service subscribers, suppliers.
  5. Type of personal data in the personal data collection:
    Name and surname, gender, date of birth, permanent address, identification number, tax number, telephone number
  6. Purpose of processing:
    Implementing the company services, service marketing, sale to final customers.
  7. Timeframe of storing the data:
    Until the fulfillment of contract obligations or cancellation by the customer in case of transmitting the offers to customers.
  8. Limitations on individual’s rights in regard to personal data in the personal data collection and the legal base of limitations:
    There are no limitations of individual rights from Articles 30 and 32 of the Law on protection of personal data (ZVOP-1, officially examined text, Official Gazette - Uradni list RS, No. 94/2007).
  9. Users or categories of personal data users contained in the personal data collection:
    • collection manager - BOOKINGPOINT.NET d.o.o. Company.;
    • based on explicit demand also other users that have for the obtainment of personal data a basis in law, personal agreement of the individual or in the contract stipulations;
  10. Whether the personal data are transmitted to the third country, to where, to whom and the legal basis for foreign transmission:
    Personal data are not transmitted to other countries.
  11. A general description of protecting the personal data:
    The personal data carriers are stored in computer and manual evidence. The data in computer form are stored on the server, while back-up is stored on the back-up server in the company itself. The back-up is locked in a fireproof cabinet. The access to data base in the computer program is protected with the password.

    The areas, in which the personal data collection and other documentation connected to the collection are outside of working hours locked, but there are also locked when there are no employees with them. The personal data collection that is managed in manual – personal maps are outside of the working hours locked into metal fireproof cabinets. Only the authorized company workers have the access to personal data.

    The personal data collection kept on the computer system is protected with password system for authorization and identification of program and data users. The password system also enables later examination on when the data were used or entered into the data collection and who performed it for the period, for which particular data are stored.

    Personal data can be processed only by people authorized to do so by the authorized person – company manager. The paper data carriers that serve for entering personal data into computer managed data collection, data print-outs from the computer data collection, discs, magnetic bands, and optical discs that are related to data collection are outside of working hours locked into metal fireproof cabinets.

    Procedures and measures for personal data protection are in greater detail determined in the Statute on protection of confidential and personal data from the 15th of February 2008.
  12. The data on connected personal data collections from official records and public books:
    Personal data are not connected with official records and public books
  13. The data on the representative from Paragraph 3 of Article 5 of the Law on protection of personal data:
    There is no representative from Paragraph 3 of Article 5 of the Law on protection of personal data (ZVOP-1, officially examined text, Official Gazette - Uradni list RS, No. 94/2007).
In case you have additional questions on protection of personal data you can turn to us in any given time.

How to reach you?

We shall get into contact with you through data you will transmit to us (electronic mail, telephone, and fax) and thus take care of all the usual procedures in regard to booking the services from our offer, and shall try to respond to all your questions, clarify potential difficulties and problems directly connected to the service.

Use of cookies

Cookie is a file with words that your browser at the moment of your first visit to our pages stores to the hard disc of your computer and thus enables a faster overview of already visited pages. Cookie does not contain personal data, but assists us to be able to offer you special services while you are on our pages.

Cookie serves to save you time by examining the pages as it notifies the web browser that you have returned to a page you have visited before. With the help of cookies we also design statistical data on visits to our page that help us recognize wishes of the user as well as the direction of development of our services and web pages.

Cookie is an option your browser enables you to use. Most of browsers automatically accept the cookies, but you can also turn off that option in the browser settings.

Changes or erasing of your personal data

All the data you have in order to receive you own user account entered for the first time into the user data collection can be changed. On your demand, according to the provisions of the adopted documents, we are also obliged to erase them.

Declaration changes

The declaration on the protection of personal data can also be changed, but we oblige ourselves to change the data of publication jointly with every published change. In case some major changes in the statement would occur we will publish these changes on our web pages or specifically notify you of the fact. Regardless of all the stated above we recommend to all our visitors and webpage users to examine the statement once in a while, as this is the only way to learn on time and with precision about the manner of our protection of personal data.

We will consider that you agree with all the provisions of the statement on the protection of personal data if you will visit our pages and use our services also in the future.

Statue On Protecting the Personal Data in BOOKINGPOINT.NET d.o.o.

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